world travel awards winner machu travel peru 2024
Code of conduct and our commitment


World Travel Awards 2024 Machu Travel Peru

World Travel Awards Winner

Endorsed by ASTA

In Alliance with Regenera

Tripadvisor travellers choice 2024

Rated Excellent by Tripadvisor


Code of conduct

The ESNNA code is a series of regulations, policies, and codes of conduct issued by the Peruvian government aimed at preventing the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the field of tourism. Sexual exploitation of children and adolescents is defined as the use of children’s bodies for sexual, pornographic, or erotic purposes in exchange for payment, promise of payment, or another benefit, such as food, clothing, mobile phone, etc.

This ESNNA code is attached to the ministerial resolution 430-2018-MINCETUR and an Affidavit of Mandatory Subscription to the Code of Conduct against the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents that Machu Travel Peru sign as a sign of acceptance and commitment to respect the duties of its operations to safeguard the physical integrity of children and adolescents. 

Machu Travel Peru benefits the country's future: Children and teenagers…

In this sense, Machu Travel Peru, in concordance with its internal rules and philosophy of integral development for both its partners and suppliers, is committed to:

  • Avoid promoting travel destinations and programs that overtly or secretly provide strategies for the sexual exploitation of minors.
  • Don’t tell visitors about locations where the organized or actual commercial exploitation of minors for sex is carried out, either directly or through intermediaries.
  • Avoid taking tourists to locations where the commercial exploitation of minors for sex is carried out, either directly or through intermediaries. This includes taking tourists to places where they stay, including boats in Altamar, where the exploitation of minors for sex is permitted.
  • Avoid renting out cars on popular routes to people who might use them to abuse or exploit minors sexually. 
  • Preventing minors from entering pubs, lodging facilities, hotels, and other establishments that offer tourist services in order to avoid sexual abuse or exploitation of them.
  • Taking action to stop employees with any kind of affiliation with the company from providing travel services that permit engaging in sexual conduct with minors.
  • Make sure there are channels within the organization for reporting to the appropriate authorities, and notify MINCETUR and other competent authorities of any information it has discovered about the existence of locations linked to the sexual exploitation of minors.
  • Creating and distributing a policy outlining steps the supplier will take to stop and prevent any kind of child or adolescent sexual exploitation in travel and tourism, both inside the organization and with its suppliers of goods and services.
  • All employees of the company receive training on how to stop the commercial exploitation of minors for sexual purposes.
  • Machu Travel Peru travelers should be made aware of the legal consequences in Peru for abusing and sexually exploiting minors.
  • Machu Travel Peru will display this Code of Conduct, along with any other promises and actions they wish to take to safeguard children and teenagers, in a conspicuous location for the staff of the commercial establishment(s).”In light of Law No. 28251’s provisions, the agency alerts visitors to the fact that abusing and exploiting minors for sexual purposes is illegal and punishable by law in the nation”.
afiche esnna

In this agency…

We do not promote or allow the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents or any other crime of which we are aware in the development of our activities in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 29408.

If you know of any case of sexual exploitation of children under 18 years of age, do not hesitate to report it to us.

Yours sincerely.

Machu Travel Peru team.